抢抓机遇 加快发展 以崭新姿态跨入二十一世纪

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水城县位于贵州西部,面积3642平方公里,总人口68万,其中农业人口67万,境内生活着汉、苗、彝、布依等26个民族,是一个多民族聚居的大农业县、贫困县。贵昆铁路穿境而过,公路四通八达,通讯便捷,气候温和,历史文化悠久,民族民间文化丰富多彩,是国家文化部命名的“中国现代民间绘画画乡”。水城地处“江南煤都”六盘水市的腹地,地表地下资源丰富,已探明的矿产有煤、铁、铅、锌等二十余种,其中煤炭尤以储量大、工业牌号齐全、质量优良、易开采著称,可开采量达49亿吨;可利用水能为33万千瓦;境内盛产烤烟、生姜、大蒜、茶叶等经济作物和杜仲、天麻等名贵中药材。现有非耕地达100余万亩,适宜发展柑桔、核桃、板栗等经济林和猪、牛、羊养殖等畜牧业。改革开放以来,全县经济社会取得长足发展,初步形成了以煤炭开采、加工、铅锌冶炼、建筑建材业等为主的工业体系,精神文明建设和民主法制建设得到加强,人民生活水平显 Located in the west of Guizhou Province, Shuicheng County covers an area of ​​3642 square kilometers with a total population of 680,000, of which agricultural population is 670,000. It is home to 26 ethnic groups including Han, Miao, Yi and Buyi and is a large agricultural counties and poor counties inhabited by many ethnic groups. Guizhou-Kunming Railway passes through the country, the road extends in all directions, convenient communications, mild climate, long history and culture, rich and colorful ethnic folk culture, is named after the Ministry of Culture “Chinese modern painting landscape.” Shuicheng is located in the hinterland of “Jiangnan Coal Capital ” Liupanshui City. The underground surface is rich in resources. There are more than 20 kinds of minerals, including coal, iron, lead and zinc, among which coal is the most abundant in reserves and complete in industry. High quality, easy to mining known, can be exploited amounted to 4.9 billion tons; available water 330,000 kilowatts; the territory rich in flue-cured tobacco, ginger, garlic, tea and other cash crops and Eucommia, Gastrodia and other valuable Chinese herbal medicines. The existing non-cultivated land of more than 100 acres, suitable for the development of citrus, walnuts, chestnuts and other economic forest and pigs, cattle and sheep breeding and other animal husbandry. Since the reform and opening up, the county achieved rapid economic and social development, initially formed an industrial system mainly coal mining, processing, lead and zinc smelting, building materials and other industries, spiritual civilization construction and democratic legal system has been strengthened, the people’s living standards were significantly
1.测齿千分尺这种千分尺用于测量齿输的齿距,其测量范圈有下列几种。0~1时(0~25.4毫米),1~2时(25.4~50.8毫米),2~3时(50.8~76.2毫米), 3~4时(76.2~101.6毫米),4~5时(101.6~127毫米),5~6