SGL系列燃煤(柴)食用菌干燥炉是一种新式多用途干燥装置,它适用于食用菌、药材等各种林副产品的干燥。它独特的温控设计可以保证干燥室热风温度围绕给定温度在很小范围内变化。本文简要介绍一下这种温度控制方法。 1 干燥炉的工作原理 煤(柴)加入高效节能炉体内,在引风?
SGL series of coal (diesel) edible fungus drying furnace is a new multi-purpose drying device, which is suitable for edible mushrooms, herbs and other forest by-products of drying. Its unique temperature control design ensures that the drying chamber hot air temperature changes within a small range around a given temperature. This article briefly describes this method of temperature control. 1 the working principle of drying furnace Coal (wood) to join the high-efficiency energy-saving furnace in the induced draft?