Starting from the research progress of laser beam quality, some problems of laser beam quality in paraxial and non-paraxial domains are discussed, mainly the beam quality evaluation of non-paraxial beams. The non-paraxial vector second moment theory of beam transmission can be used to calculate the M2 factor of a variety of non-paraxial beams, but it is difficult to physically interpret the M2 factor. For example, in the non-paraxial domain, the M2 factor depends on the ratio of the waist width to wavelength and may be less than one. However, the far-field divergence angle can approach 90, which leads to a large M2 factor value. On the other hand, if the light intensity in the equation is replaced by the time-average Poynting vector z-component, the bucket power (PIB), or equivalently, the! Parameter can be generalized to evaluate the far-field beam quality of non-paraxial beams . PIB characterizes the focusing power of the beam power and is a simple and intuitive way to evaluate different laser beams. However, the beam width in the formula for the parameter is defined as a percentage of the power content, so the hyperbola transfer rule is no longer strictly established.