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当“土地沙化”、“水土流失”、“沙尘暴”这些词汇已经与我们的日常生活越来越息息相关时,退耕还林,也开始成为一个引人注目的话题。 退耕还林,利国利民 退耕还林最初是党中央、国务院为改善西部生态环境所采取的一项重大战略措施,也是国家西部大开发的重要内容和切入点。我国的西部地区降水少,水土流失严重,生态系统十分脆弱,退耕还林的目的就是要通过把没有什么经济效益而又破坏环境的耕地转变成为可以保护生态的林地,并在此基础上适当发展经济林。 我国的退耕还林工程于1999年10月在陕西、四川、甘肃3省开始试点,至今共涉及20个省(区、市)400个 When the terms “land desertification”, “soil erosion” and “dust storms” have become increasingly relevant to our daily life, the project of returning farmland to forestry has also become an attractive topic. Since returning cultivated land to forests and benefiting the country and benefiting the people, returning land for farming to reforestation was originally a major strategic measure taken by the Central Party Committee and the State Council to improve the ecological environment in the western region. It is also an important point and an entry point for the large-scale development of western regions. In western China, there is little precipitation, severe soil erosion, and the ecosystem is very fragile. The purpose of returning farmland to forests is to transform the arable land that has no economic benefits and destroy the environment into forest land that can protect the ecology, and on this basis, develop properly Economic forest. The project of returning farmland to forestry in our country started the pilot project in Shaanxi, Sichuan and Gansu provinces in October 1999. Until now, there have been 400 involved in 20 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities)
去中国大陆采访,与人交谈中,早就习惯了一些时髦用语:东西不叫东西,叫“东东”;支持不叫支持,叫“顶”;别人请吃饭不叫请吃饭,叫“饭局”;追女孩子不叫追女孩子,叫“泡M M”;
龙牙木匆心 木 ( Aralia elata)属五加科 ,木匆心木属 ,别名刺老牙、刺嫩牙、刺龙牙。为促进这一经济植物的发展 ,经反复实践 ,于1 999年秋 ,在黑龙江省双丰林业局爱林林场采
本文认为,深化改革是加快林业建设的内在动力;扩大开放是加快林业建设的必要条件;依靠科技是加快林业建设的根本出路;加强法制是加快林业建设的重要保证。 This paper argue