封建迷信在我国根深蒂固。千百年来,勤劳的中国人民无时无刻不在和封建迷信做着不懈的斗争。 法国作家伏尔泰说过:“迷信是傻子遇见了骗子的结果。”在科学日益发达的今天,封建迷信又沉渣泛滥,神汉巫婆横行乡里,测命算卦遍布街头,扰乱了正常的生产和生活秩序。我们只有用科学武装头脑,才能抵止愚昧的侵袭。 弘扬科学精神,破除封建迷信,是本刊应尽的职责。本刊愿与广大农民朋友一道,肩负起“科教兴国”的责任,满怀豪情向新世纪迈进。
Feudal superstition is deeply rooted in our country. For thousands of years, industrious Chinese people have been tirelessly fighting against feudal superstition all the time. The French writer Voltaire said: “Superstition is the result of a fool meeting a liar.” In today’s increasingly developed science, feudal superstition and sediment flooding, Shen Han witch rampant village, measured deadly calculations Gua in the streets, disrupted the normal production and life order. We can stop ignorant attacks only by using science to arm our minds. Carry forward the spirit of science, get rid of feudal superstition, is the responsibility of this magazine. The journal is willing to join hands with a large number of peasants and friends to take up the responsibility of “rejuvenating the country with science and education” and march forward with boldness to the new century.