【摘 要】
Jiangsu Oilfield underground complex small fault block reservoir structure as if broken “gold plate.” A young tech worker uses “directional well” technology to ingeniously connect the reservoirs beneath the formation to create a high-yielding well for the water and oil fields. He is Li Genkui, deputy director and senior engineer of Jiangsu Oilfield Drilling Engineering Service Center, a well-oriented directional well expert in petroleum industry. 1999 “May Day” Labor Medal and 2000 national model worker title winner. Over the past 17 years, Li Genkui has taken charge of and completed more than 400 directional wells, accounting for more than 60% of the total number of similar wells in Jiangsu Oilfield with a pass rate of 100%.
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1965年至今,苏雅香在38年的护理工作中,用全部身心去弹响爱的乐章,用重于泰山的责任感去谱写浓浓爱心的诗篇。 1 用情爱托起生命的希望 护士学校毕业后,苏雅香主动申请到贵