四川省眉山军分区与时俱进地进行基层民兵政治建设,方法多、亮点多、硕果多:1998年夏天,眉山军分区发动民兵为抗洪将士家庭送温暖的感人场面,上了“新闻联播”。1999年和2000年,眉山军分区组织民兵崇尚科学,反对“法轮功”,参与西部大开发构筑百公里绿色长廊的动人场景,先后又上了“新闻联播”,且是中央电视台的;2001年,总部、成都军区、四川省军区转发了眉山军分区借助地方党校师资力量和教学设备对参训民兵进行政治教育改革的经验。 一个组建才4年的新建单位,为何能在政治建设上取得如此丰硕的成果?开拓创新是他们的秘诀,与时俱进是他们的动力。 “动态施教”走新路 1998年初,为摸清全区民兵政治建设
Meishan Army Division in Sichuan Province has carried out the political construction of grass-roots militarots with the times in many ways with many bright spots and fruitful results. In the summer of 1998, the Meishan Army Division launched a militia scene that sent warm militiamen to warmer families, . In 1999 and 2000, the Meishan Army Division militia advocated science and opposed “Falungong” and participated in the moving scene of building a 100-km green promenade in the western development. It went on to become a “news network” again and again on CCTV. In 2001 , Headquarters, Chengdu Military Region and Sichuan Military Region have forwarded the Meishan Military Region’s experience in carrying out the political education reform of participating militiamen with the help of local Party school teachers and teaching equipment. A newly formed unit of only 4 years has made such fruitful achievements in political construction. Pioneering and innovating are their secret and keeping pace with the times is their driving force. “Dynamic teaching” take a new road In early 1998, to find out the region’s militia political construction