雄激素受体 (AR)是介导雄激素在靶细胞中发挥作用的关键大分子 ,主要存在于男性睾丸组织中。本文综述了AR及其mRNA在泌尿生殖系统的前列腺、附睾、阴茎皮肤等睾丸外组织 ,头皮、海马旁回、脂肪等非泌尿生殖系统组织及在胃癌、喉癌等睾丸外肿瘤组织中的分布情况 ,并对AR的检测方法进行了复习 ,以进一步研究循环血中雄激素对人体各系统的作用
Androgen receptor (AR) is a key macromolecule that mediates the role of androgens in target cells, mainly in male testes. This article reviews the distribution of AR and its mRNA in non-genitourinary system such as the prostate, epididymis, penile skin and other non-genital tissues such as the scalp, parahippocampal gyrus and fat in the urogenital system and its distribution in extra-testicular tumors such as gastric cancer and laryngeal cancer Situation, and AR detection methods were reviewed to further study the effect of circulating blood androgen on the human body system