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戏剧性,既是戏剧艺术的内在规定性,也是电影、电视剧等叙事类作品最重要的构成元素。上个世纪80年代以来,文艺界围绕戏剧性的问题展开过一场旷日持久的讨论,并形成了一系列颇有见地的学术观点,如“表现再现说”“内心外化说”“矛盾冲突说”“失衡骤变说”和“灵肉较量说”等,拓展了艺术界认知戏剧性的角度与视野。但是笔者以为,如果学界把研讨的焦点仅仅圈定在“何为戏剧性”上,即便将来彻底揭开了戏剧性 Dramatic is not only the inherent stipulation of drama art, but also the most important constituent element of narrative works such as movies and TV dramas. Since the 1980s, the literary and art circles have conducted a protracted discussion around the dramatic issues and formed a series of insightful academic ideas such as “expression of reproduction”, “internalization of the heart,” “ ”Contradictions and conflicts say “ ”sudden change of imbalance “ and ”spirit and meat contest said “, etc., to expand the artistic perspective of the dramatic perspective and vision. However, I believe that if the academic circle focuses only on ”what is dramatic," even if the future has completely uncovered the dramatic
本文论述了北山石窟渗水病害造成石刻风化加速,同时提出了采用隧洞排水解决石窟区的渗水病害。 This paper discusses the Beishan Grottoes water seepage disease caused b