
来源 :山东英才学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:spcheng
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明代山东私塾可分为门馆、村塾、家塾或族塾等类型。各类生员或终身未入学的书生及退职官吏是塾师的来源,多数塾师以束修维持生计。塾师选用、聘任有固定程序。儿童一般在七岁前后入塾。私塾教学采用复合式,课程有读书识字、写仿、对对子和诗歌及八股文写作。私塾教材主要是蒙学读物和儒家经典。私塾教育的发展对明代山东社会有重要影响。 Shandong private school can be divided into the gatehouse, village private school, private supplementary school and other types of private supplementary school. All kinds of students or lifelong students who have not enrolled in the school and officials who leave their posts are the sources of private school teachers. Most of the private school teachers maintain their livelihood by means of beam repair. Private school selection, appointment of a fixed procedure. Children generally enter the private school before the age of seven. Private school teaching compound, curriculum reading literacy, writing imitation, pairs and poetry and eight-letter writing. Private school materials are mainly Mongolia reading books and Confucian classics. The development of private school education has an important influence on Shandong society in the Ming Dynasty.