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现在,绝大多数航空货运依然沿用传统的纸质货运单,这种简陋的运作方式造成的差错之多是显而易见的。据统计,由于货物运输经手人较多,货运单书写差错率占到30%,而在一些区域的海鲜品名书写差错更是超过了80%以上,甚至一些品名完全是张冠李戴,让终端的消费者难以接受。当然,现在推行的电子货运单能在一定程度上改善这类差错,但是效果并不明显。或许,这种尴尬的局面,现在可通过云集系统的区块链技术加以解决。 Now, the vast majority of air cargo still follow the traditional paper waybill, the simple operation of this error caused by the obvious is obvious. According to statistics, due to the large number of people who handle transportation of goods, the error rate of the waybill writing accounts for 30%, while in some regions, the error of writing the name of the seafood is more than 80%, and even some of the brand names are completely worn by the customers Difficult to accept. Of course, the current implementation of the EWC can be some improvement in such errors, but the effect is not obvious. Perhaps this awkward situation can now be solved by clustered blockchain technology.
2014年8月27日,美国证券交易委员会(下称SEC)一致投票通过采用被称为Reg AB Ⅱ的Reg AB修正案。Reg AB Ⅱ的颁布和实施,规范了资产证券化产品的注册发行,提高了资本市场的信