合资合心合力 保安全企业发展苏州赛玛克电机有限公司是一家中日合资企业,主要生产微型电机和厨房系列家用电器。开业5年来,中日双方始终坚持安全第一,杜绝了重大事故发生,先后被评为全国外商投资双优企业、苏州市区“十佳”三资企业和苏州市安全生产先进集体。作为...
Joint venture together to ensure the security of enterprise development Suzhou 赛 Mark Electric Co., Ltd. is a Sino-Japanese joint venture, the main production micro-motor and kitchen appliances series. Since its opening five years ago, both China and Japan have always insisted on safety first and put an end to major accidents. They have been awarded the title of “Top Ten Foreign-invested Enterprises in China”, “Top Ten” Enterprises in Suzhou City and Advanced Production Safety in Suzhou City. As ...