国际贸易中,风险防范问题正越来越引起各方面的关注。在运输方面,因为远隔重洋的关系,货物发运、提取只能凭借一纸提单为证,因而也就出现了诸如倒签提单、假提单(鬼船提单)等风险。我们遇见最多的还是倒签提单,这方面更应该引起警觉。 对于货主来说,航运中的风险主要有两种,一种是货损货差和延迟交付,另一种是与欺诈有关的提货而不付款。对第一类风险,有比较明确的国际法和各国法律
In international trade, the problem of risk prevention is attracting more and more attention from all quarters. In the area of transportation, because of the ocean-wide relationship, the shipment and withdrawal of goods can only be justified by a single bill of lading, thus posing risks such as backdating bill of lading and fake bill of lading (ghost ship’s bill of lading). We meet up or down bill of lading, in this regard should be more alert. For the owner, there are mainly two kinds of risks in shipping, one is cargo damage spread and delayed delivery, the other is fraud related delivery without payment. For the first type of risk, there is a clear international law and national laws