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  The 100th Joint Patrol by China, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand reached a full conclusion on December 11, 2020. State Councilor and Minister of Public Security Zhao Kezhi, on behalf of the Ministry of Public Security of the P.R.C., extended a hearty congratulation on the successful operation. He advocated that the law enforcement authorities of relevant countries should act in accordance with the Mekong spirit of cooperation, innovation, rule of law, and win-win outcomes, and meet challenges with solidarity in combating cross-border crimes and fighting COVID-19. All counterparts should consolidate, intensify and substantiate the law enforcement and security cooperation along the river, take greater responsibilities in safeguarding regional stability and play bigger roles in fostering regional prosperity.
  Full text of the congratulation:
  Letter of Congratulation
  As the 100th Joint Patrol along the Mekong River by China, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand drew to a conclusion, on behalf of the Ministry of Public Security of the P.R.C., I would like to extend a warm congratulation on its success, a cordial greeting to all the law enforcers on the mission, and heartfelt gratitude to all  who support and safeguard regional stability!   The world is now undergoing profound changes unseen in a century. Yet peace and development remain the theme of the times. The sudden outbreak of COVID-19 has proved once again that the world is a community with a shared future wherein our interests are closely intertwined. In 2011, China, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand released the Joint Declaration on Law Enforcement and Security Cooperation in the Mekong River Basin and blazed new trails by launching joint patrols. The last nine years have witnessed the adoption of such operations, and its development from the first to the one hundredth mission, as we forge ahead with an enterprising spirit.The law enforcers from the four countries have carried out earnest cooperation regardless of hardships; stayed committed to the Mekong spirit of shared interests, mutual assistance, inclusiveness, equality and mutual benefits; and set up a joint patrol command center with an emergency telephone line. The four countries have cooperated in cracking down on drug trafficking, illegal immigration, smuggling, telecommunication fraud and online gambling, maintaining social stability in a coordinated way. Despite the raging Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, the law enforcement authorities concerned devised  detailed plans and increased the joint patrol in a proactive and sure-handed manner. These efforts contributed toward a safe and stable environment for common prosperity and development in the Mekong River Basin, and effectively raised peoples’ senses of security contentment.
  Recently, the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China adopted the recommendations for formulating China’s 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) for National Economic and Social Development and Long-Range Objectives Through the Year 2035. The plenum made strategic deployments in coordinating development and security, combating cross-border crimes and the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. Security and stability are shared pursuits, and win-win cooperation is a consistent choice for all countries. China stands ready to work with all parties concerned under the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits; to offer its experience in maintaining social order and public security; to expand consensus on cooperation; and to improve friendship in law enforcement. Such collaboration is conducive to building a community with a shared future and promoting the economic and social development in favor of the locals.   2021 marks the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Law Enforcement and Security Cooperation Mechanism in the Mekong River Basin. Let us adhere to the Mekong spirit of cooperation, innovation, rule of law and win-win outcomes; meet challenges together with solidarity; make joint efforts to tackle cross-border crimes; and carry out practical collaboration in response to the pandemic. In doing so, we can push forward our cooperative ties in a more intensive, extensive and substantial manner, shoulder greater responsibilities in preserving regional stability and play more important roles in promoting regional prosperity.
  I would like to express a sincere greeting to all the participants of this mission. I wish you good health and all the best in the new journey ahead!
  My congratulations on the success of the 100th Mekong River joint patrol!
  Zhao Kezhi
  State Councilor and Minister of Public Security of the People’s Republic of China
  December 11, 2020
国务委员、公安部部长赵克志2020年12月1日同埃及内政部部长马哈茂德·陶菲克通电话。  赵克志表示,在习近平主席和塞西总统战略指引下,中埃关系和各领域务实合作实现了跨越式發展。中共十九届五中全会规划了中国未来发展的宏伟蓝图,也将为中埃合作提供更多机遇。希望双方认真落实好两国元首重要共识,保持经常性战略沟通,深化反恐务实合作,加强“一带一路”项目、机构和人员安保合作,不断推动中埃全面战略伙伴关系迈
“值此第100次中老缅泰湄公河联合巡逻执法行动开展之际,我谨代表中国公安部,向第100次湄公河联巡成功举办致以热烈祝贺!向全体参巡的各国执法人员表示诚挚问候!向关心、支持、维护流域安全稳定的各界人士表示衷心的感谢!”中国公安部部长赵克志的一封贺信,让一支由中老缅泰四国组成的联合执法力量再次走进了人们的视线。  2011年10月5日上午,中国籍商船“华平号”和缅甸籍商船“玉兴8号”在湄公河流域被两艘
据韩国KBS新闻报道,“素媛案”原型赵斗顺将于2020年12月12日出狱,为防悲剧再次发生,韩国国会最近通过了《保护收容法》。该法案以强化对电子脚链佩戴者的管理和监督为目的,又名“赵斗顺防治法”。  据悉,即便在佩戴电子脚链的情况下,韩国平均每年仍有60起性犯罪发生。调查显示,性犯罪相关再犯案件一半以上发生在电子脚链佩戴者居住半徑一公里以内,33%发生在犯人居住半径百米以内。因而,韩国民众认为政府
Born in Wuhan, Hubei Province in October 1981, LiuYing graduated from Hubei Police Academy in 2002. Then the girl, quite bravely, left her hometown came alone to work as a policewoman in a remote moun
法新社2020年11月28日消息,法国民众计划举行数十场集会,反对该国一项限制分享警察图像的新法律。据报道,新法中最具争议的内容之一是第24条,该条将把公民拍摄和公开发布显示警察面部图像、意图伤害其“身心健康”的行为定为犯罪。法案草案24日晚获议会下院初步批准,正等待参议院审议。  媒体工会表示,这可能会给警方开绿灯,阻止记者以及社交媒体用户记录警方虐待行为。据报道,集会组织者表示,这项法案将破坏
据今日俄罗斯电视台2020年12月2日报道,俄罗斯联邦内务部當天发布新的行政法规草案,规定俄罗斯公民从16岁起可参加机动车驾驶证考试,这比现行法律规定下的17岁又提前了一年。不过,未成年人在申请参加考试时,须提交一份有法定监护人签名的书面同意书。  新法规将于2021年4月1日生效。对此,有俄专家持不同意见。汽车领域专家弗尔曼丘克称:“16岁就能考驾照,这将对其他人构成致命威胁。这一年龄段的未成年
2020年12月9日至10日,由公安部主办、国务院国资委协办、江苏省公安厅和连云港市政府承办的第五届“连云港论坛”在连云港市成功举行。本次論坛采取线上线下相结合的方式,围绕“疫情防控常态化下的安全形势与国际执法合作应对”主题,与30个国家执法部门和3个国际组织一道,共商执法安全合作大计,共谋能力建设合作良策,共绘各国安全发展蓝图。公安部党委委员、副部长杜航伟出席并讲话。  杜航伟指出,新冠肺炎疫情
A couple days ago when I was organizing photos on my computer, I happened to access a folder that I hadn’t opened for quite some time. A picture popped up on the screen. It was me wearing a riot suit
据英国《每日快报》报道,自新冠肺炎疫情暴发以来,英国政府已投入9200万英镑救助家庭暴力的受害者。近日,英国司法部出台了针对此类受害者的一揽子救助方案,包括给强奸和家暴受害者援助组织、治安与犯罪专员提供1010万英镑开展各地的服务工作,向34家家暴救助组织直接拨款63.8万英镑,以及在社交媒体上发起“我们与你在一起”声援运动,鼓励家暴受害者尋求帮助。  2006年,在受害者援助组织的大力游说下,英
玛丽是一个身材瘦小、面容姣好但生活潦倒的女子,她身高约5.4英尺(1.6米), 有厌食症,体重80磅(72斤)多一点。她的左手小指尖缺了一截——是她切菜时不小心切掉的。另外,她的臀部做过手术,因此她走路一瘸一拐的。她曾住在马萨诸塞州,酗酒成瘾。在谈了几次恋爱并生下了两个孩子以后,她离开了那里。之后她与家人逐渐地疏远,生活穷困潦倒。她属于那种即使从地球上消失了也不会引起人们关注的女人。  塞缪·里特