前几年,在东南亚经济危机的阴影下,国际贸易骤减,世界集运业滑坡,由此也造成制箱业的不景气,连年市场滞销,产量过剩,以致全行业削价竞争,箱价大幅度下挫,20’标准干货箱单价从90年代初的2 600美元,跌到1999年的1350美元。占全球制箱量2/3以上的我国近40家大型企业,无不陷入困境,步履艰难,有的减产、有的转产、有的歇业。 就在全国制箱业连年萧条、低迷的窘状下,常州新华昌国际集装箱有限公司却能独步康庄,连年增产、畅销、
A few years ago, under the shadow of the economic crisis in Southeast Asia, the international trade plummeted and the world’s shipping industry declined. As a result, the container manufacturing industry also suffered a slump in its market due to its sluggish sales and overcapacity in the years leading to price competition in the entire industry and sharp drop in box prices The unit price of 20 ’standard dry containers dropped from $ 2,600 in the early 1990s to $ 1,350 in 1999. Nearly 40 large-scale enterprises in our country, which account for more than 2/3 of the world’s container-making volume, are in trouble and struggle hard. Some have cut production, some have switched to production, and others have gone out of business. In the box-making industry in the country year after year recession, sluggish embarrassed shape, Changzhou Xinhua Chang International Container Co., Ltd. was able to single-minded, year after year production, selling,