Urban Forestry as a Vehicle for Healthy and Sustainable Development

来源 :Chinese Forestry Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:szhanyc
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Urban forestry has been defined as the art, science and technology of managing trees and forestresources in and around urban community ecosystems for the physiological, sociological, economic andaesthetic benefits trees provide. The importance of urban forestry has received limited attention in manypoor countries as it is often percieved as being associated with beautification projects, which are considereda luxury benefiting only the wealthier part of the population. However, urban forestry may have a number ofenvironmental, economic and socio-cultural values, which will also benefit poorer segments of city populations.Even in poorer countries, planning for urban trees and forests is a good investment, as these areas will bedemanded when income levels increase. Once everything is allocated to other construction or infrastructure,it may be very difficult to create new green areas unless these are planned for.The Danish Centre for Forest, Landscape and Planning has been leading actor in the development of UrbanForestry during the last decade. EUFORIC (European Urban Forestry Research and Information Centre),COST Action E12 Urban Forests and Trees and E39 Forests, Trees and Human Health and Wellbeing areall examples of activities initiated and coordinated by the Danish centre. It has also developed urban forestryand urban greening as a concept for environment and development aid projects in Eastern Europe anddeveloping countries in Southeast Asia and Southern Africa. Over the coming years, the main challange willbe to ensure that the expansion of the green infrastructure in the worlds urban areas is implemented withinthe framework of sustainability and human health and well-being, without the use of a technology inimical toman and nature and with as few chemical aids as possible. Urban forestry has been defined as the art, science and technology of managing trees and forestresources in and around urban community ecosystems for the physiological, sociological, economic and aesthetic benefits trees provide. The importance of urban forestry has limited limited attention in manypoor countries as it is often, as per capita with wealth projects part of the population. in poorer countries, planning for urban trees and forests is a good investment, as these areas will bedemanded when other levels of investment. as everything is allocated to other construction or infrastructure, it may be very difficult to create new green areas unless these are planned for The Danish Center for Forest, Landscape and Planning has been leading actor in the development of Urban Forestry during the last decade. EUFORIC (European Urban Forestry Research and Information Center), COST Action E12 Urban Forests and Trees and E39 Forests, Trees and Human Health and Wellbeing are all examples of activities initiated and coordinated by the Danish center. It has also developed urban forestry and urban greening as a concept for environment and development aid projects in Eastern Europe anddeveloping countries in Southeast Asia and Southern Africa. Over the coming years, the main challange willbe to ensure that the expansion of the green infrastructure in the worlds urban areas is implemented withinthe framework of sustainability and human health and well-being, without the use of a technology inimical toman and nature and with as few chemical aids as possible.
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