目前国内市场上各类保健品达3000多种,其中有不少成为过眼烟云。向保健品市场进军——这是一条颇具艰辛却又充满希望的路,有人看准了这条路,并打算走下去。 东方医药向疑难病挑战 1964年毕业于中国科技大学的周宏龙本是一位电脑专家,他的父亲原系香港一位知名儒商,1989年,他73岁的老父患了食道癌,经医院采用放疗并配合手术治疗,可怜的周老先生几日内毛发尽脱,由于放疗的副作用造成气管食管漏,导致大出血而不治身亡,老人的一场病,使其花费达54万元人民币。这一痛心遭遇令周宏龙追悔莫及,痛定思痛,他开始重新认识中西医
At present, there are more than 3,000 kinds of health products on the domestic market, of which many have become smoke clouds. Going to the health product market – This is a hard but hopeful road. Someone has spotted this road and intends to go on. Eastern Medicine challenges difficult diseases Zhou Honglong, a graduate of the China University of Science and Technology in 1964, is a computer expert. His father was originally a famous Confucian businessman in Hong Kong. In 1989, his 73-year-old father suffered from esophageal cancer and was adopted by the hospital. With radiotherapy and surgical treatment, the poor Mr. Zhou Lao took off his hair in a few days. As a result of the side effects of radiotherapy, the trachea and esophagus leaked, resulting in massive bleeding and death. The patient’s illness cost him RMB 540,000. This painful experience caused Zhou Honglong to regret it and learn from it. He began to reconsider Chinese and Western medicine.