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1.蒙古族蒙古袍是蒙古族的传统服装。但其经历了一个较长的历史过程。最原始的蒙古人服装,是用植物叶子编排而成,仅是遮体。从事狩猎业以后,以兽皮加工制作衣服。随着畜牧业经济的发展,衣着渐以家畜皮制作,但很简朴。据《蒙古秘史》记载,羊皮短衣是古代蒙古人主要的服装。 Mongolian Mongolian gown is a Mongolian traditional costume. But it has undergone a long history. The most primitive Mongolian costumes, is the arrangement of plant leaves, only cover. Engaged in hunting industry, the production of clothes to hide skin. With the development of animal husbandry economy, the clothing is gradually made of livestock hide, but it is very simple. According to “Mongolian Secret History” records, sheepskin kimono ancient Mongolian is the main clothing.
宁夏北部地区,自古以来因地近极边,孤悬塞上,又渐失贺兰山屏障,便成为边外游牧民族内犯的主要通道。所以中原王朝长时期以来,都将宁北作为军事设防、驻军御敌的重要 In nort
张紫溪,中国书法家协会会员、山东印社社员、山东省书法家协会妇女书法工作委员会委员、青岛市书法家协会理事兼妇女书法工作委员会副主任、青岛市民族宗教艺术家协会 Zhang