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新中国成立后,根据新民主主义的教育方针和政策,实行教育向工农及其子女开门。为扫除文盲,全国进行了扫盲教育和识字运动的实验和推广。同时,工农速成中学也成为工农教育的开展基地。 After the founding of new China, according to the education policy and policy of new democracy, it implemented education to open the door to workers, peasants and their children. To eliminate illiteracy, experimentation and promotion of literacy and literacy campaigns were conducted in the country. At the same time, the Workers ’and Peasants’ Speed ​​Secondary School has also become a base for carrying out worker-peasant education.
北宋时,改革派章悖当了宰相,他把元祜年问的保守派核心人物,全部放逐到荒凉的岭南,有“布衣宰相”之称的范纯仁,也在贬谪的名单中,职务为武安军节度副使,安置在永州(今湖南)。  范纯仁当时已经七十岁了,正患眼病,双目失明。儿子看到老爸的身体状况十分担心,建议向皇帝求情,免除此项辛劳之旅。范纯仁摇头拒绝了,把朝廷的诏令往怀里一揣,便令家人收拾东西上路了。  他没事人似的,儿子们面对一路风尘,内心里十分不