In 2010,although we suffered the shock from the US tire tariff issue,our tire export remained strong:the export price,geography and structure,etc.took on new characteristics,and the delivery value for export was increased by a large margin. Export increase was the mainstream.According to the statistics on 45 main tire enterprises by the Tire Branch of China Rubber Industry Association,the delivery value for export was increased by 36.4%on a year-on-year basis.Ranked according to the delivery value for export,Hangzhou CSI,Shandong Linglong, China Giti,Triangle Group,Cooper Chengshan,Xingyuan Tire,Aeolus Tire,Double Coin Group,Shandong Wanda,and Jiangsu Hankook were in the top ten,among which,the foreign exchange earning through export of three tire enterprises includ-
In 2010, although we suffered the shock from the US tire tariff issue, our tire export was strong: the export price, geography and structure, etc.took on new characteristics, and the delivery value for export was increased by a large margin. Export increase was the mainstream. According to the statistics on 45 main tire enterprises by the Tire Branch of China Rubber Industry Association, the delivery value for export was increased by 36.4% on a year-on-year basis. Rank according to the delivery value for export, Hangzhou CSI, Shandong Linglong, China Giti, Triangle Group, Cooper Chengshan, Xingyuan Tire, Aeolus Tire, Double Coin Group, Shandong Wanda, and Jiangsu Hankook were in the top ten, among which, the foreign exchange earning through export of three tire enterprises includ-