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前不久在北京召开的全国出版工作会议指出,当前及今后一个时期,要认真落实十七大精神,全力推动新闻出版业的大发展大繁荣;要深化改革,不断增强新闻出版业的生机与活力;要科学发展,以人为本,加快新闻出版公共服务体系建设等等。所有这些工作,需要全行业解放思想,破解难题,认真履行职业,全面抓好落实。按照自治区党委、人民政府和新闻出版总署的要求,自治区新闻出版局提出了以“东风工程”、农家书屋工程为主要平台,以贯彻《国务院关于进一步促进新疆经济社会发展的若干意见》为主要抓手,积极配合国家“稳疆兴疆、富国固边”战略,大力推进覆盖全疆广大农 The recent national press conference held in Beijing pointed out: At present and for a period in the future, we should conscientiously implement the spirit of the 17th National Congress and strive to promote the great development and prosperity of the press and publishing industry. We should deepen the reform and constantly enhance the vigor and vitality of the press and publishing industry ; To scientific development, people-oriented, speed up the press and publication of public service system and so on. All these tasks require the entire industry to emancipate the mind, solve problems, conscientiously fulfill their profession, and fully implement the plan. In accordance with the requirements of the autonomous regional party committees, people’s governments and the General Administration of Press and Publication, the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Press and Publication Bureau has proposed “Dongfeng Project” and “farm bookstore” as the main platforms to implement the “State Council’s Opinions on Further Promoting the Economic and Social Development in Xinjiang” As the main starting point and actively cooperate with the national strategy of “stabilizing the borderland of Xinjiang, strengthening the border of the rich countries” and vigorously promoting the policy of covering vast majority of the farmers in Xinjiang
“春风又绿江南岸”。一支特殊的队伍,迎着山间田野初醒的气息,迎着早晨初升的太阳,向着南康的各个乡镇赶去。   队伍里共 20多个年青的姑娘和小伙子,一阵阵的笑声,一首首歌声,欢
村级往来,就是村集体在收缴“三提五统”时,部分群众由于种种原因未交,或由于种种 原因,村集体欠部分群众或其他单位款而无力兑付,一直挂在集体和群众的往来账上。正在 推行的税费
居民通过申办个人住房贷款来“借钱圆梦”日趋增多 ,除了需要知道今后归还多少贷款本息外 ,还需要知道在申办贷款时 ,要缴纳以下“零碎”的税费。1 .评估费 建设银行个人住