为了从渗流量和渗透稳定角度深入研究膨润土防水毯破损处的防渗问题,开发了由压力控制系统和模型试验系统两部分组成的渗流试验装置,建立了针对坝体防渗工程中的防水毯破损情况的渗流物理试验方法,并通过膨润土防水毯不同破损工况下的渗流试验,初步探讨了影响破损防水毯与坝身土体联合抗渗的因素。结果表明,对破损防水毯和土体的综合渗透系数的影响,孔洞大小比破损率要敏感;对于孔洞修复能力,主要的敏感的因素包括孔洞直径D及防水毯规格(材料本身性能)。在工程中要做好以下两点:(1)工程中刺破孔洞直径D小于0.5 cm,超过0.5 cm的孔洞应当做修补;(2)局部刺破率不宜大于0.5%,尽量保证防水毯接触面的平整。
In order to study the anti-seepage problem of damaged zone of bentonite waterproof blanket in terms of seepage and seepage stability, a seepage test device consisting of a pressure control system and a model test system was developed. A waterproof blanket Seepage physical test method of damaged condition, and through the seepage test under different damaged conditions of bentonite waterproof blanket, the factors that affect joint impermeability of damaged waterproof blanket and dam body are discussed preliminarily. The results show that the hole size is more sensitive than the damage rate to the integrated permeability coefficient of the damaged waterproof blanket and the soil. The main sensitive factors to the hole repair capability include the hole diameter D and the waterproof blanket specification (material itself performance). In the project to do the following two points: (1) project punctured the hole diameter D less than 0.5 cm, more than 0.5 cm holes should be repaired; (2) the local puncturing rate should not exceed 0.5%, try to ensure the waterproof blanket contact Flat surface.