说不清,道不明,我为什么会对黄河如此情深。 沿着自己的人生之路,我已从刘家峡、兰州、银川、龙门、风陵渡、三门峡、洛阳、郑州、济南、东营共十处地方横跨过这条由清而黄再浊的大河,可是,我的内心仍未得到满足。到底想从黄河身上捞取点什么,实在又难以言明。不过每接触一次,便有一次新的体验与启迪,心灵亦得到一种深层次的升华。河中的激浪,两岸的黄土,还有她孕育的炎黄子孙,皆与我惰深意笃,因为我也是从黄河冲积的黄土地上成长起来的黄河子孙。
Can not tell, the road is unknown, why I will be so deep on the Yellow River. Along the road of my own life, I have crossed over this river of clear, yellowish and turbid rivers from Liujiaxia, Lanzhou, Yinchuan, Longmen, Fenglingdu, Sanmenxia, Luoyang, Zhengzhou, Jinan and Dongying. However, my heart has not been satisfied. In the end want to get something from the Yellow River, it is hard to explain. However, each contact, there is a new experience and enlightenment, the soul has also been a deep sublimation. The surging waves in the river, the loess on both sides of the Strait, and the grandson of her grandson, are deeply rooted in my dears, for I am also a descendant of the Yellow River who grew up from the yellow soil of the alluvial river.