Endogenous sulfur dioxide is a new gasotransmitter with promising therapeutic potential in cardiovas

来源 :科学通报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lutaixiaoxin
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Sulfur dioxide(SO2)was previously considered only as air pol-lutant.In 2008,our group first detected the endogenous SO2 gener-ating enzymes as well as its generating pathway in cardiovascular system[1].Our recent studies have shown that endogenous SO2 plays important cardiovascular physiologic regulatory roles and has pathophysiological significance.As such,we suggested that it serves as a new gasotransmitter[1-4].
8 月24 日,第十六届全国大学生智能汽车竞赛总决赛胜利收官.我校共有4 支队伍荣获全国一等奖,2 支队伍获得全国二等奖.其中,“全向组”队伍荣获全国总冠军.由于受到疫情影响,本次总决赛采用了线上比赛的形式.我校共有6 支队伍通过华南赛区选拔赛顺利晋级全国总决赛,福建省参赛队获得的4 项全国一等奖全部由我校代表队斩获.至此,我校学子参加该项赛事已先后获得国家一等奖11 项、国家二等奖6 项,获奖数量和级别在省内同类高校中保持领先优势.
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