1996年10月25日。南京航空航天大学测试工程的一间普通教室里,一位留着平头,戴着深色眼镜,面容清癯的年轻人站在讲台上。他的面前除了一本厚厚的博士论文集,还有一根发黑的拐杖。 这里正在进行一场博士论文答辩,素来爱挑剔的老教授们不时地报以热烈的掌声。这位拄着拐仗作博土论文答辩的年轻人,就是我国第一位自学成才的残疾人博士后吴耀军。 出生7个月,一场病魔夺去了吴耀军一条健康的腿。童年的不幸和寂寞也把自强不息的精神深深烙印在幼小的心灵谷底。 33年前的一个黄昏,江苏省丹阳市农村一个普通农家小院,一条新生命打破了小院往日的宁静。小耀军长到了7
October 25, 1996. In an ordinary classroom of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics test project, a young man with a flat head, dark glasses and a clear face stood on the podium. In addition to a thick PhD thesis before him, there is a dark crutch. A doctoral dissertation defense is underway here, and veteran, picky, old professors report their warm applause from time to time. The young man who deflected the bourgeois etiquette on a fledgling battle was the first self-taught disabled person postdoctoral researcher Wu Yaowu in our country. Born 7 months, a sick Wu Yaojun won a healthy leg. Childhood misfortune and loneliness also deeply rooted in the spirit of self-improvement in the bottom of the young heart. A dusk 33 years ago, Danyang City, Jiangsu Province, an ordinary rural small rural homes, a new life broke the silence of the small courtyard past. Xiao Yaobing grow up to 7