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模联,是模拟联合国的简称,英文是Model United Nations Conference,简称MUNC,也就是模仿联合国及相关的国际机构,依据其运作方式和议事原则,围绕国际热点问题召开会议。国内模联大部分会议集中在暑假,不仅是重庆,各省市都有自己的地方会议,国内也有一些有名的独立模联机构。我在2013年4月才接触到模联,那时我校模联社刚成立。我的模联首秀是去北京,作为联合国大会第一委员会的中国代表。在会议中,我是一个中立国家代表,我的走向会影响国际社会的重大变化,因此,各国都会来找我谈判。我们白天在酒店会议室里模拟会议,晚上大家在房间里一起商讨,总结白天会议的不足,讨论第二天会如何开展、推动会议进程,同时,一起写工作文件和草案,有条不紊。虽然会议之中难免偏题, Model Link is a short form of the United Nations model. The English is the Model United Nations Conference, or MUNC for short, which imitates the United Nations and related international organizations. It organizes meetings around international hot issues based on its operating methods and principles. Most of the domestic model associations are concentrated in the summer vacation. Not only Chongqing, but also each province and city has its own local conference. There are also some well-known independent model agencies in China. I only came into contact with the model in April 2013, when the school’s model association was just established. My debut is to go to Beijing as the representative of the United Nations General Assembly on the First Committee of the Chinese representative. In the meeting, I am a representative of a neutral country. My direction will affect major changes in the international community. Therefore, all countries will come to me to negotiate. We simulated the meeting in the hotel conference room during the day. In the evening, we discussed together in the room, summed up the inadequacies of the day conference, discussed how the next day will be carried out, and promote the meeting process. At the same time, working papers and drafts together are organized. Although it is difficult to avoid the problem during the meeting,
Windows系统在长时间工作后,有时会产生一些看上去作用不大、但略显多余的功能和选项,这些功能和选项有的是天生的,有的是人为因素引起的,它们的存在只会白白浪费系统资源,严重的时候,能影响系统运行安全性。如果能够想方设法将这些多余功能和选项及时删除掉,就能让系统既高效又安全地工作了。  删除多余来宾帐号  当在计算机中成功安装好Windows系统后,它会自动生成一个名为“Guest”的来宾帐号,该