异地大鳄 鏖战京城三大关键词

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向心力异地房企进京“赶考”的脚步从来没断过,作为北方的旗帜,全国的中心,北京是众多需求全国扩张的地产“大腕”们向北方挺进的一个重要后方或者中转站,也是一些异国开发商如凯德置地、吉宝置业,实施中国战略的起点。最初的“大鳄”进京,都是“招”进来的,像新世界:之后的是“走”进来的,而且要一步三回头,水土、资金倒在其次,关键是土地,协议出让土地,留给外地开发商的只一个字——等,耗得起的留下;土地实施招拍挂之后,众多大腕“跑”进了北京,一路攻城掠地,要么“大”(大盘)行其 As the banner of the north and the center of the whole country, Beijing is one of the important rear or transit centers for the expansion of real estate “big names ” who are going to the north for advancement in the north. Station, but also some foreign developers such as CapitaLand, Keppel Land, the starting point for the implementation of China’s strategy. The first “predators ” into Beijing, are “move ” came in, like the New World: the “go” came in, but also to step back three times, soil and water, the funds fell second, the key Is the land, the agreement to sell the land, leaving only a word for foreign developers - and so on, the consumption of the left after the implementation of the land bidding and hanging, many big names “ran ” into Beijing, all the way to conquer the city , Either “big” (tape) line it