发展林业 保土安民

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在党的十一届三中全会精神指引下,我国林业建设形势发生了很大的变化,人们对于林业开始有了比较全面的认识.森林不仅可以生产木材和林产品(即直接效益),而且是人类生存的条件.森林的多种功能,多种效益为保持水土、涵养水源所创造的间接效益的价值,大大超过木材和其他林产品的价值.日本森林一年创造的总值为128千亿日元,相当于日本政府1972年全年预算金额,美国森林直接效益与间接效益价值之比为1:9.我国的森林、植被由于遭受破坏,每年水土流失的面积达150万平方公里(有人估计可能达到200—300万平方公里),每年流失的泥沙达100亿吨,其中黄河流失16亿吨,长江流失4亿吨.对人民生命财产造成极其严重的损失,仅泥沙中流失养分一项估计,每年损失相当于8000—9000万吨化肥.一位国际友人惊呼:黄河流的不是泥沙,而是中华民族的血液!据研究,在云南省,一亩森林的间接效益,仅涵养水源的价值就达142元.因此,我们必须从保土安民的高度来认识林业、发展林业.我省的林业建设同全国一样,既面临着加快绿化建设、改善生态环境,又担负着积极供应日益增长的木材、林产品两大任务. Guided by the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, the situation in our country’s forestry construction has undergone great changes, and people have a more comprehensive understanding of the beginning of forestry. Forests can not only produce timber and forest products (immediate benefits), but also Is the condition of human existence.Multifunctional functions and multiple benefits of forest The value of the indirect benefits created by water and soil conservation and water conservation far outweigh the value of wood and other forest products.The total value of Japanese forests is 128 thousand Billion yen, which is equivalent to the annual budget of the Japanese government in 1972. The ratio of direct forest benefits to indirect benefits in the United States is 1: 9. Due to the destruction of forests and vegetation in China, the annual area of ​​water and soil erosion reaches 1.5 million square kilometers Some estimate that it may reach 200-300 square kilometers), and the annual loss of sediment reaches 10 billion tons, of which 1.6 billion tons have been lost in the Yellow River and 400 million tons have been lost in the Yangtze River, causing extremely serious losses to people’s lives and property, and only the loss of sediment Nutrient an estimated annual loss equivalent to 8000-9000 million tons of fertilizer.An international friends exclaimed: the Yellow River is not a sediment, but the blood of the Chinese nation! According to research, in Yunnan Province, an acre The indirect benefits of the forest, only the value of water conservation only amounted to 142. Therefore, we must understand the forestry and forestry development from the perspective of the security of the people.Our province’s forestry construction is facing the same as the whole country, both facing accelerating greening and improving ecology Environment, but also bear the active supply of growing timber, forest products two major tasks.
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