据联邦德国《DRAHT》(金属线)杂志报导:Swisscab E.A.Sch(?)n SA 研制了填充光纤和光缆的喷射装置系列,它共有三种规格:1.容量为10公升的“lnjectojell 10”填充装置,它专用于填充光纤或绞合光纤,在此装置上安装了极扁平的喷咀和抽真空装置;2.容量为50公升的“lnjec-tojell 50”填充装置,此结构与1结构雷同。由于换了个高频发热电机,因此,这种装置可填充小尺
According to the German magazine “DRAHT”: Swisscab EASch (?) N SA has developed a series of devices for filling optical fibers and optical cables in three sizes: 1. “lnjectojell 10” with a capacity of 10 liters Device designed to fill optical fibers or stranded fibers on which very flat nozzles and evacuating devices are installed; 2. “lnjec-tojell 50” filling device with a capacity of 50 liters which is identical to structure 1 . As a result of a high-frequency heating motor, so this device can be filled with small feet