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在坚持实现政治导向、充分发挥市场机制双重目标过程中,现有的传媒业规制体系不断与改革的现实需求之间发生碰撞,规制政策与产业政策边界、市场准入与反垄断、内容限定与规制变革等涉及传媒业规制的热点问题正是这种碰撞的真实写照。在传媒业改革不断深化进程中,要不断完善中国传媒业法制建设;尝试以第三方等非政府组织作为规制主体的重要补充;大力推进反垄断,鼓励更多的非国有资本进入传媒业;规范激烈市场竞争下媒介的经营行为;努力平衡好传媒业规制成本与效率的关系,促进传媒业又好又快地发展。 In adhering to the principle of political orientation and giving full play to the dual objectives of the market mechanism, the ongoing regulatory system of the media industry has been in conflict with the real needs of the reform. Regulatory policies and industrial policy boundaries, market access and antitrust, content restrictions and The hot issues concerning regulation of the media industry, such as regulatory changes, are the true portrayal of such a collision. In the deepening reform of the media industry, we must continue to improve the legal system of the media industry in China; try to third parties and other non-governmental organizations as an important complement to the regulatory body; vigorously promote the anti-monopoly and encourage more non-state capitals to enter the media industry; regulate Media management under intense market competition; efforts to balance the relationship between regulatory costs and efficiency in the media industry and promote sound and rapid development of the media industry.
“庞奇”是美国媒体巨头《纽约时报》前出版人阿瑟·奥克斯·苏兹伯格童年时的昵称。9月29日,这位为人熟知的苏兹伯格家族成员在纽约家中病逝,享年86岁。  从1963年掌舵《纽约时报》到1997年将接力棒传给儿子小阿瑟·奥克斯·苏兹伯格,30多年的发行人生涯,给了庞奇充分施展才华的舞台,也最终让《纽约时报》得以跻身全球最具影响力报纸的行列。美国总统奥巴马在悼念声明中称赞:“庞奇30多年来帮助改变了《纽