一、什么叫地下害虫? 地下害虫是指为害时期生活在土中,以为害农作物地下部分为主的害虫,称为地下害虫,也称为土壤害虫。这类害虫危害小麦、大麦、燕麦、糜谷、洋芋、蚕豆、蔬菜、药材和苗木的种子和根茎。近年来,各地地下害虫猖獗发生,为害趋势加重。就我省而言,每年发生面积约一千万亩,重的可达八百万亩,每年损失粮食达四亿斤。二、地下害虫的种类: 地下害虫的特点是:种类多,分布广,为害重,可造成农作物缺苗断垅,以致大片毁苗,给农业生产造成很大的损失。为害农作物的主要种类是蛴螬类、金针虫类、蝼蛄类,其次还有地老虎、根蛆、根蝽、拟地(虫甲)类等。蛴螬占地下害虫的百分之八十左右。三、为害状的识别:
First, what is the underground pest? Underground pest is during the pest life in the soil, to harm the underground part of the main pests, known as underground pests, also known as soil pests. Such pests endanger the seeds and rhizomes of wheat, barley, oats, millet, potato, broad beans, vegetables, herbs and seedlings. In recent years, underground pests have become rampant in all parts of the country, increasing the damage tendency. In our province, the annual area of about 10 million mu and the weight of 8 million mu are heavy, with an annual loss of 400 million kilograms of grain. Second, the types of underground pests: The characteristics of underground pests are: many species, wide distribution, serious damage, can cause crop seedlings broken, resulting in destruction of seedlings, to agricultural production caused great losses. The main types of crops are 蛴 螬, insects, 蝼 蛄 class, followed by the tiger, root maggots, root bugs, to be (a) and so on. Gorgonites account for about 80% of underground pests. Third, the identification of harmful state: