东方航空股份公司总经理罗朝庚的长相与香港影视演员罗家英颇有异曲同工之妙——没错,就是《大话西游》中的唐僧扮演者罗家英,也是前辈大美女汪明荃的男友。不必考证五百年前是一家的罗朝庚与罗家英是否同宗同源而导致面目形似,即便用脚趾头作为思考器官,都能得出结论,罗朝庚先生所控制的经济资源远在罗家英先生之上,但罗家英的知名度广布华人圈,岂是大权在握的罗朝庚先生所能相比?罗家英先生的风头,在于《大话西游》一剧风靡天下,一曲荡气回肠的《Only You》虽难听之极,却被传颂为无厘头思考方式的先驱代表,而周星驰意识形态的渗透,同样令罗家英的面孔出镜率暴增,随便路上抓个把孩子问起罗朝庚先生大名,多半换回一张迷惘而无辜的脸庞,若问及罗家英,则颇能引起共鸣,特别是周星驰扇子的共鸣。无意评价周星驰意识形态的雅俗,事实上,俺从来不认为娱乐和教育必须挂钩,也基于此,俺素来鄙视那些将“寓教于乐”挂在嘴上搞影视艺术的“艺术家”。从此出发点看问题,俺很感激星爷带来的恶搞作品,很大程度改变了俺们这批上世纪70年代生人的思维方式,令人生观与世界观多出几分看破云淡风轻的脱俗,用调侃和自嘲迎接人生,往往比满脑子功利思维方式更显轻松,不是么?
Luo Zhaogeng, general manager of China Eastern Airlines Co., Ltd, looks like Hong Kong film and television actor Luo Jiaying. True, it is Luo Jiaying, a Tang Dynasty monk who plays a role in the Westward Journey and is also a boyfriend of the eldest beauty Wang Mingquan. It is not necessary to examine the similarities between Luo Chao-keng and Luo Jia-ying, who belonged to the same origin as five hundred years ago, and even with the toes as a thinking organ, we can conclude that the economic resources controlled by Mr. Luo Chaogeng far lie above Mr. Luo Jiaying’s Luo Jiaying popularity of the Chinese circle, how powerful is Mr. Luo Zhaogeng can compare? Mr. Luo Jiaying’s limelight lies in the “Westward Journey,” a drama swept the world, a soul-stirring “Only You” though extremely bad, but was He also praised the pioneer representatives who did not make sense for the way of thinking. The infiltration of the ideology of Stephen Chow has also caused Luo Jialin’s face to surge in appearance. He just asked the children to ask Mr. Luo Chaogeng for his name, and most of them exchanged for a lost and innocent face. Asked Luo Jiaying, then quite resonate, especially the resonances of Stephen Chow fans. In fact, I never think entertainment and education must be linked, but also based on this, I always despise those who will “edutainment ” hanging in the mouth engaged in the art of film and television ". From this point of departure to see the problem, I am very grateful to the spoof works brought by Yeh, a large number of this group of people in the 70s of last century the way of thinking of young people, life outlook and outlook on the world a bit more fragile Refreshed, with ridicule and self-deprecation to meet life, often more relaxed than the full range of utilitarian thinking, is not it?