曾经被誉为“东方巴黎”的上海,一直以时尚城市著称,这种精神面貌在今天仍然盛行全球ERC(Employee Relocation Council即员工安置委员会)主办的全球人力资源峰会于3月26~27日在上海召开,会议主题为亚太地区人才流动。自19世纪以来,上海逐渐在行政、航运、贸易方面的发展尤为突出,成为中国5大对外开放窗口城市之一,成为东西方经济核心城市。20世纪30年代,上海
Shanghai, once known as “Paris of the East”, has been known as a trendy city and is still prevalent today. Global HR Summit organized by ERC (Employee Relocation Council) held on March 26-27 The meeting was held in Shanghai on the theme of brainpower flow in the Asia Pacific region. Since the 19th century, Shanghai has been particularly prominent in the areas of administration, shipping and trade. It has become one of China’s five major cities opening up to the outside world and has become a core economic city of East and West. 1930s, Shanghai