患者、女,29岁。住院号:830301。因人工流产术后常规肌注青霉素80万单位,链霉素0.5,一日两次(青霉素皮试阴性)。注射第五次完毕后突然晕倒,意识丧失,面色苍白,呼吸浅而快:28次/分,心音不清,血压测不出。立即肌注付肾素1毫克,并用可拉明等药抢救,数分钟后心音、心律恢复、血压60/40毫米汞柱、随按过敏性休克转入内科病房。 入院后停用青、链霉素、改用庆大霉素8万单位肌注,一日两次。注射第十五次完毕后,患者突感胸闷,两颊麻木、全身肌肉痉挛,抽搐。心率128次/分,脉细弱,呼吸24次/分,血压40/0毫米汞柱。经停用庆大霉素,肌注付肾素,扩充血容量、激素应用等措施而再次抢救脱险。住院30天痊愈出院。
Patient, female, 29 years old. Hospital number: 830301. Conventional intramuscular injection of penicillin 800,000 units, streptomycin 0.5, twice a day (penicillin skin test negative). After the fifth injection suddenly fainted, loss of consciousness, pale, shallow breathing faster: 28 beats / min, heart sounds unclear, blood pressure can not be measured. Immediate intramuscular injection of renin 1 mg, and rescue with other drugs such as calamine, a few minutes after the heart sound, heart rate recovery, blood pressure 60/40 mm Hg, with anaphylactic shock into the medical ward. Admission disabled green, streptomycin, use gentamicin 80,000 units intramuscularly, twice a day. After the injection of the fifteenth time, the patient suddenly felt chest tightness, numb cheeks, whole body muscle spasms, convulsions. Heart rate 128 beats / min, weak pulse, breathing 24 beats / min, blood pressure 40 / 0mmHg. After the withdrawal of gentamicin, intramuscular injection of renin, expansion of blood volume, hormone application and other measures to rescue again escape. 30 days hospitalized cured.