患者:女,32岁。孕2月,因外伤致左乳房肿痛,阴道少量流血来院检查。查体见双乳房形态饱满,表面较光滑,乳头乳晕外观正常,无分泌物。触诊左乳腺外下象限轻压痛,但未及明显结节。腹部平软,无压痛,未及包块。 应用Acuson-Aspen彩超诊断仪,用直接探测法进行乳房、子宫附件检查。超声所见:双乳房内腺体增厚,均为15mm,近乳头处腺管略为扩张。左乳腺外下象限探及范围约1.8cm×1.2cm大小的非均质略低回声区,与腺体分界欠清,CDFI:其内未及明显血流
Patient: Female, 32 years old. Pregnancy in February, due to trauma caused by left breast swelling, vaginal bleeding to a small hospital check. See double breast shape physical examination, the surface is more smooth, normal appearance of nipple areola, no secretions. Palpation of the left lower quadrant of the left lower extremity tenderness, but not as obvious nodules. Abdomen soft, no tenderness, mass and mass. Application Acuson-Aspen color ultrasound diagnostic apparatus, direct detection of breast, uterine attachment examination. Ultrasound findings: double breast thickening of the gland, are 15mm, near the nipple duct slightly dilated. The left lower extremity of the left breast explores and inhomogeneously hypoechoic regions of approximately 1.8 cm × 1.2 cm in size and is less clear from the gland, CDFI: