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It’s unfair William:I heard Mr.Robert died.Are you going to take part in hisfuneral(葬礼)? Nick:No,of course not. William:Why not? As we know,you are good friends. Nick:Because it is unfair. If I take part,could he take part in myfuneral? It’s unfair William:I heard Mr.Robert died.Are you going to take part in his funeral?(Funny)? Nick:No,of course not. William:Why not? As we know,you are good friends. Nick:Because it is Unfair. If I take part,could he take part in myfuneral?
加拿大是一个幅员辽阔的国家,面积接近1000万平方公里,它西临太平洋,东临大西洋,北临北冰洋,有许多岛屿分布在太平洋和北冰 Canada is a vast country with an area of ​​
1月18日,投资2000万元的鄂州首个制造万吨级船舶生产基地在鄂州市光大船业有限公司临江基地工程奠基。 January 18, invest 20 million yuan Ezhou first manufacturing 10,
每年的4月至10月,是传统的采购旺季,七月的香港到处洋溢着欢声笑语,人们纷纷在庆祝着香港回归祖 Every year from April to October is the traditional shopping season. H
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第Ⅰ卷(共110分)I.Listening ComprehensionPart A Short Conversations Directions: In Part A,you will hear ten short conversations betweentwo speakers.At the end o