1983年5月23日,四川省川剧调演大会在成都 举行,这是“振兴川剧”号召发布一年后对实际成果的检阅,也是不断总结经验,使振兴川剧活动向深度和广度进军的动员,因此,意义十分重大。四川省振兴川剧的战略意义以及它对全国戏曲振兴工作的巨大影响,受到文化部的关注,不仅派出以副部长吴雪同志为首的观摩代表团,还组织了不少省市的文化厅(局)长和戏曲专家来蓉观摩。我做为文化部艺术局的人员,有幸参加了活动的全过程。19年后的今天,其情其景历历在目,倍感亲切。 吴雪同志在开幕式上做了热情洋溢的讲话。他说:“四川省委从本省实际出发,抓住了植根于巴山蜀水,具有广大群众基础,并具有异常丰富的戏曲艺术传统的川剧,响亮地发出‘振兴川剧’的号召,并以此作为突破口,带动其它艺术品种的改革,以全面开创戏剧工作的新局面,使文艺事业在精神文明建设中发挥更大的作用,这
On May 23, 1983, the Sichuan Sichuan Opera Conference was held in Chengdu. This is a review of the actual results one year after the announcement of “Revitalization of Sichuan Opera.” It is also a measure of constantly reviewing experiences and marching into a depth and breadth of activities for rejuvenating Sichuan Opera. Therefore, the significance is very significant. The strategic significance of Sichuan’s revitalization of Sichuan Opera and its tremendous influence on the revitalization of the national opera has received the attention of the Ministry of Culture. It not only dispatched visiting delegation headed by Vice Minister Wu Xue, but also organized a number of provincial and municipal departments of culture Long and opera experts to observe Rong. As a member of the Arts Bureau of the Ministry of Culture, I am fortunate enough to participate in the whole process of the activity. Today 19 years later, its love scene vividly, feel warm. Comrade Wu Xue made a warm speech at the opening ceremony. He said: "Sichuan Provincial Party Committee, proceeding from the reality of its own province, seized the Sichuan opera, which was rooted in the Bashan Shu River and had a vast mass base and an exceptionally rich tradition of traditional opera. It gave a loud call for the revitalization of Sichuan Opera and used it as Breakthroughs will lead to the reform of other art species so as to create a new situation in drama work in an all-round way and enable the cause of literature and art to play a greater role in the building of spiritual civilization.