水仙(Narcissus tazetta var·chinensis Roen)系石蒜科多年生的球茎草花,原产我国南部,闽、浙一带。其球茎经过艺术雕刻后,放在盆里水养,清秀雅致,别具风韵,充满诗情画意。据查,我国历代名人吟水仙花的诗词就有百来首,它有凌波仙子之称誉。中国水仙的花有两个类型,单瓣型的品种有六片白色花瓣,中间托着一个金黄色的杯状付冠,被称为“金盏银台”;复瓣型的品种,中间花瓣卷皱,上白下黄,没有金黄色的杯状付冠,被称为“玉玲珑”。水仙的花期半个月至二十天左右,它不仅是幽雅的观赏花,而且其球茎还可药用,捣烂敷于疗疮处可以消肿。
Narcissus tazetta var. Chinensis Roen is a perennial bulbous flower of the genus Amaryllidaceae, native to southern China, Fujian and Zhejiang. After its corolla art carved, put in a bowl of water, handsome and elegant, unique charm, full of poetic. According to the investigation, the dynasties of our country dynasties dainty daffodils poems have a hundred to the first, it has the reputation of Ling Bo fairy. There are two types of Chinese narcissus flowers, single-breed varieties have six white petals, the middle holding a golden cup to pay the crown, known as the “golden silver silver Taiwan”; petal type, the middle petals Wrinkled, yellow on the white, no golden cup crown, known as “jade exquisite.” Narcissus flowering half a month to twenty days or so, it is not only elegant ornamental flowers, but also the corms can be medicated, pound deposited in the treatment of sores can be swelling.