Patient female, 41 years old, because of “left ear rash 6 months ” in July 24, 2009 to Dongfeng General Hospital dermatology clinic, patient self-indictment 6 months ago no obvious incentive left ear began brown rash, Such as mung bean size, even occasional itch, did not care at the beginning, no treatment, rash gradually increased over time. Patients with normal hearing, no tinnitus, previous physical health, no similar family history of the disease. Admission physical examination: stable vital signs, the general situation can be, both ears normal hearing, no abnormal heart and lung abdomen. Dermatology: see the inside of the left ear recess about 1cm × 1cm size dark brown oval-like plaques, the boundary is clear, the surface uneven, mild keratosis, showed papillomatous hyperplasia (Figure 1). Laboratory tests: hematuria routine,