2000年5月10日,广元市朝天区人民法院审判庭内国徽高悬、座无虚席,建区11年来该区贪污公款数额最大、职级最高的原区总工会主席袁世辉的一审在此公开判决。随着审判长一声庄严的宣判,袁世辉禁不住流下了悔恨的泪水…… 岁月磨砺 1947年,袁世辉出生于剑阁县涂山乡一个农民家庭。由于家处农村,他少年时代就已萌发“跳出农门”的思想。为了实现自己的目标,他勤学苦读,小学时兢被授予“国家级少年乒乓球运动员”称号,在中学他曾多次获学校体育竞赛、作文比赛优胜
May 10, 2000, Guangyuan City Chaotian District Court trial court held high in the national emblem, packed, built in 11 years the largest amount of embezzled public funds in the area, the highest rank of the former Federation of Trade Unions Yuan Shui-Hui’s first instance in this public judgment. With the solemn sentencing of the presiding judge, Yuan Shifu could not help but shed tears of regret ... years sharpening In 1947, Yuan Shi-hui was born in a rural family Tuashan Township Jiange County. As a result of his hometown in rural areas, his youth had already sprouted the idea of “jumping out of the farmhouse.” In order to achieve his goal, he studied hard, primary school Jing was awarded the title of “national youth table tennis player”, he repeatedly won school sports competitions in secondary schools, essay competition win