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  The Divided1 America
  America is a large place. Like China, we are divided into regions that have their own idiosyncrasies2 that make different parts of our same nation unique. Thus, you can certainly tell a lot about an American tourist if you ask them the simple question: Where are you from? However, although each region in America is different, we must be careful to refrain from generalizing the residents of each region.3 Saying New Yorkers are rude (which, unfortunately, is their reputation)4 is not saying that all New Yorkers are rude. Nonetheless, without further ado, here are you American regions, with all of their dirty details, unique characteristics, infamous reputations, and partially-stereotypes.5
  The Northeast
  I figured it would be fair to start with my hometown first before I begin to badmouth6 other regions. The Northeast is hands down known for its hustle and bustle.7 There is not a second of rest in the northeast, where opportunists, eager college interns, and successful businessmen and businesswomen stroll the streets.8 Northeasterners are typically considered more cosmopolitan, since they are located near the coast, and in comparison to the rest of America they are blessed with a lot of diversity.9 There is relatively more diversity in this part of America with a high proportion of immigrants to Americans.10 Furthermore, I’d like to distinguish New York as its own entity, since New York personalities are strong enough to have their own description.11 New York is known to have the most rude people in America, whether that means the police officers who callously scold you for making a wrong turn or the barista who hands you your double-shot, mocha Frappuccino with a side of sass.12 Though New Yorkers can be described to have somewhat of an attitude, New York City is certainly a perfect encapsulation13 of America. The city has people from all walks of life roaming the streets, hot dog vendors with mystery meat hot dogs, and the best amalgamation of hole-in-the-wall restaurants juxtaposed with extravagant eateries.14 New York, simply, has it all.
  The South
  Ah, the South. Everyone loves the South. Blessed with most polite people and the most comforting foods, Southern America is certainly a spectacle15. Speaking on Southern politeness, there is, in fact, something called the Southern gentleman. It describes any man from the south with a southern accent and who has the utmost respect for women.16 A southern gentleman is a man who opens doors for others, sweet talks ladies, and is extremely chivalrous in all that he does.17 If you still don’t believe me when I say the South is incredibly friendly, let me share a short anecdote.18 One of my friends was passing through Alabama this past summer when she and her friend ran into a jolly old man.19 After a couple of minutes of chatter, the man asked if the travelling girls wanted to get a bite to eat.20 He asked them which diner they wanted to go, and off they went to eat a hearty21 lunch. He took them to small diner where he fed them a nice meal over small talk and friendly chit-chat22. But lo and behold, they found out mid-way through conversation that this man was actually the mayor of the town they were visiting!23 On a side note, my vegetarian friend told me the only vegetables the diner had were green beans and potatoes.24 Southern comfort food is nationally renowned25 for being extremely delicious and unhealthy. Their staple foods are mashed potatoes, fried chicken, macaroni and cheese and anything else that warms the soul and clogs the arteries.26
你的户外生涯从哪里开始?大学,可能是许多人的答案。从象牙塔到雪山之巅,一帮热血青年因社团相聚,把最好的学生时代留给了户外。  1989年4月1日,北京大学山鹰社成立。从此高校户外社团风起云涌,无数青年走入山野,把青春留给雪山、高原、大江大河……他们喜欢挑战,从骑行到登山,从攀树到溯溪,每一样都拼尽全力。  他们青涩、笨拙地学习如何拉赞助,也把打工攒下的钱一股脑挥霍在山间。他们面临考验,学业压力、学
停靠在港口的木帆船海上的木帆船維京水手  “你会听见风的声音。”水手站在船桅上,金色的头发在阳光下闪闪发亮,他光着上身,满身健硕的肌肉,一副实实在在的维京人模样。他嘿哟嘿哟地拉动升起的白帆,对我们吼道:  “嘿!我们是风的猎手。”  “Ahoy!”金发碧眼的水手用中世纪航海语言向我问好。他伸出比我脸还大的手,一把抱住我跨过船沿,高举过头把我运到甲板放下。  这艘来自爱沙尼亚的木质帆船建造于1925
窗口向來是一个隐喻,横亘在外界和内部之间,是阻隔,也是贯通,区分着“内”与“外”。正如我们常说的,眼睛是心灵之窗,我们的所知便是通过从窗口来窥视外面的世界而得到的。在这个意义上,“开明”一词颇有意思,只有敞开窗户,才能明明白白,而不至于被自己固有的观念所蒙蔽,才能透过外在的表象,看到内在的本质。  Our windows keep shrinking. Our vision narrows and
此文節选自奥巴马于2009年9月8日在弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿县韦克菲尔德高中(Wakefield High School)发表的开学演讲,语言平实自然、干练清晰。这位口才出众的美国前总统并未谈及高深的道理,而是将“用心读书”置于一切之首,因为对一个人来说,不管他将来想做什么或成为怎样的人,相应的教育都是必不可少的。  Hello, everybody!  I know that for many of
提名  祁敏  提名理由  作为跨进越野跑领域仅一年多的越野新人,祁敏这一年战绩非凡,揽入多场超马距离以上的越野赛事甚至百公里冠军,包括:飙山越野·龙腾亚丁Skyrunning越野赛、Garmin·Xtrail武隆百公里越野赛、Garmin·Xtrail张掖祁连山百公里越野赛、魔山挑战暨玉门国际越野赛、宁海越野挑战赛百公里等。在祁敏身上,我们看到的不仅是跑步改变人生的励志故事,更看到新一代越野跑者
《一路到底》(All the Way, dir. Jay Roach, 2016)是HBO电视网投拍的一部关于美国第36任总统林登·约翰逊的传记电影,改编自申坎(Robert Schenkkan)的同名戏剧。2016年5月21日在HBO电视网首播后,《一路到底》受到影评人的高度评价,克兰斯顿(Brian Cranston)饰演的约翰逊尤其得到赞扬,并获得电视评论家协会奖和黄金时段艾米奖多项提名。 
美国著名作家克拉伦斯·戴(1874—1935)的《与父亲一起生活的日子》是一部叫人百读不厌的作品。作者细腻幽默的笔触总能精确地击中读者的笑点,他笔下的父亲老克拉伦斯·戴的生动形象深深地刻在读者的心里,耐人寻味,经久不衰。  这期选登一篇跟家庭经济学有关的故事。母亲不工作,手里没有现金,每个月她都张口向父亲要家用。母亲经常为一些她忘了买的东西垫付小笔开支,遇到资金周转不开时,就把本来要买的东西暂搁一