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发展是时代的主旋律,加快区域经济发展,必须解放思想,加深对市场经济规律的认识,加深对区情的认识,以使本地区准确地定位,明确发展取向。 立足本地特色 强化“四大功能” “四大功能”构成了我区发展的基本特征,对此要使其不断强化。一是强化城市拓展功能。沈阳市委、市政府提出“挺进浑河南,建设新城区”,突出“以浑河新区起步,加快浑南开发建设”的发展战略,并以沈苏快速干道建设和苏家屯火车站更名为沈阳南站为重要标志,使这一发展战略付诸实施。我们要按照这一发展战略要求,着眼于长远发展,搞好副城建设总体规划;抓住目前各种有利时机, Development is the main theme of the times. To speed up the development of regional economy, we must emancipate our minds, deepen our understanding of the laws of the market economy, and deepen our understanding of the conditions of the economy so that the region can accurately locate and clear its development orientation. Based on local characteristics, strengthening the “four functions” and “four functions” constitute the basic characteristics of the development of our district, which should be constantly strengthened. First, strengthen the city to expand functions. Shenyang Municipal Party Committee and municipal government put forward the development strategy of “advance Hun Hun and construct new city”, highlight the development strategy of “starting Hun Hun New Area and accelerate the development and construction of Hunnan”, and change the construction of Shenyang-Su rapid arterial road and Sujiatun Railway Station to Shenyang South Station is an important symbol to put this development strategy into practice. In accordance with the requirements of this development strategy, we should focus on the long-term development and do a good job in the overall planning for the construction of the vice-city. We should seize the current favorable opportunities,
AVX公司推出了用于移动电话的声表面波(SAW)滤波器系列。这种被定为SF16系列的产品包括一个小芯片级封装(CSP)型RF SAW滤波器。该器件尺寸为1.6mm×1.4mm×0.6mm。这种新的S
那年是1936年。美国的杰西·欧文斯似乎稳获奥运会跳远比赛的冠军。因为在前年他跳出了26英尺81/4英寸——该记录一直保持了25年。 That year is 1936. Jesse Owens of the
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自控节气乙炔筒的构造很简单(如图),它的优点是当使用时能正常供气,当不用时筒内产生的乙炔将水排压出,使内部水面降低,离开电石,因而不再产生乙炔。 Self-controlled sola
圣诞节,本来就是一个童话,美丽而神秘。我们对于圣诞的热情全都爆发在Christmas Eve,在那个星光点点飘落的夜晚,等待着突如其来的幸福。从小听到大的童话里,我们固执地相信那