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气动单盘离合器—制动器是集离合与制动于一体的部件,其主要特点是结构紧凑(特别是轴向尺寸小),起制动灵活,联锁可靠。它可广泛用于中小型压力机和轻纺、食品工业的自动机械上。在消化吸收一台国外设备(西德80年代中期产品)的过程中,我们遇到一种气动单盘离合器—制动器的设计问题,该部件国内无生产,而进口又价格过高,在这种情况下,我们决定自行设计与制造。该气动单盘离合器—制动器虽然有实物,但装在机器上不便拆卸,因此我们不能进行实物反求,而只得按照影像反求工程设计方法去进行开发。 Pneumatic single plate clutch - brake is a set of clutch and brake in one of the parts, its main feature is compact (especially small axial size), play a flexible brake, interlocking and reliable. It can be widely used in small and medium presses and textile, food industry machinery. During the digestion and absorption of a foreign equipment (West Germany mid-1980s product), we encountered a pneumatic single-disc clutch - the design of the brake, the components of the domestic production, import and the price is too high, in this Case, we decided to design and manufacture. The pneumatic single plate clutch - although the physical brake, but installed on the machine inconvenient to disassemble, so we can not be in-kind reverse, but only in accordance with the image reverse engineering and design methods to be developed.
“你总是这样!我真怀疑,当初我付出了那么多值得吗?”刘锦流着泪大吼,不知道是什么时候开始,自己和老公邵刚的沟通方式只剩下了歇斯底里。  其实她心里知道问题出在自己身上,可她既想控制自己的情绪,又似乎有满腔说不出的委屈。  也许当初妈妈的话是对的,门不当户不对,没有父母祝福婚姻注定不会幸福。  门不当户不对  当已经32岁的刘锦又一次和老妈在电话里大吵,让她倍感身心俱疲。  以前不交男朋友,老妈天天