
来源 :北京医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lyh993
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研究胃液分泌的调节机制时,不仅须论及兴奋性因素,还应包括抑制性因素,因为正常消化期的胃液分泌是兴奋和抑制两种对立的因素共同作用的结果。而且正是由于抑制性因素的存在,才表现出一种反馈联系的自动调节方式,这是具有重要的生理意义的。关于兴奋胃液分泌的因素,过去研究得较多,但对于抑制胃液分泌的因素则了解得较少。已知胃酸、脂肪和蛋白质消化产物在小肠内可 When studying the regulatory mechanism of gastric juice secretion, not only excitatory factors, but also inhibitory factors, should be included since the secretion of gastric juice during normal digestion is the result of both the opposing effects of excitement and inhibition. And precisely because of the existence of inhibitory factors, it shows an automatic adjustment of feedback, which is of great physiological significance. On the excitement of the secretion of gastric juice, the past, more research, but for the inhibition of gastric secretion of the factors are less understood. It is known that gastric acid, fat and protein digestion products are available in the small intestine
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