今天,全世界的企业主以及其他身居高位的领导人都面临着一个重要的问题,怎样争取你的属下对你进行诚心诚意的支持,怎样使你的行动得到你的属下的信服。 在过去,很多专断的老板和圆滑的政客是用手段来左右属下的行动的,属下对他们敢怒而不敢言,只好忍气吞声地盲目服从他们,但今天世界已经转变。美国公共关系学权威鲍勃·迪肯森(Bob Dickenson)说:“权威在今天已不是那么硬梆梆的了。要别人替你卖力,不必向人叫嚷,不必当众指责,也不必吓唬人。你只消把有关资料清楚地告诉他们,想法子使他们同意你的主意就行了。” 除了领导人员外,我们每个人也都需要让别人信服你,因为人人都需要有影响力。只有做到令人心悦诚服,我们才能在工作单位,在社会上,在邻里中和在家庭内发挥影响力.
Today, business owners all over the world and other high-ranking leaders are faced with an important issue. How to win support from your subordinates for your sincerity and how to get your actions convinced by your subordinates. In the past, many ad hoc bosses and sleek politicians used the means to control their actions. The subordinates were not shy about their anger and they had to obediently obey them blindly, but today the world has changed. Bob Dickenson, American public relations authority, said: "The authority is not so hard today. To force others to do it for you, you don’t have to yell at people, you don’t have to blame yourself, you don’t have to scare people. You just need to clearly tell them that the idea is to agree with your idea.” In addition to the leaders, each of us needs to convince others that everyone needs influence. Only by being pleasing and convincing, can we exert our influence in the workplace, in the community, in the neighbourhood and in the family.