同志们: 为了全面贯彻落实全国宣传思想工作会议精神,我省于三月上旬召开了全省宣传思想工作会议和全省文化局长会议。这次会议是三十七年来从省开到县的一次盛会,其规模之大,人数之多,档次之高,内容之丰,是我省多年来少有的,它给我省的宣传思想文化战线点燃了一束希望之光,使我们进一步认清了形势,明确了任务,坚定了信心,鼓足了干劲。为了尽快落实会议精神,我们在厅党组的部署安排下,立即召开了这次会议。这次会议的主旨是:订规划、谈措施,求实效,促佳作,进行一次戏剧创作规划上的南北交流,上下交流。这次会议的要求是:一改往年的会风,让16个地市的同志多讲一点,点子多出一点,实招多拿一点,思路走宽一点。然后再请杜部长、沈副部长、陈厅长、王副厅长等领导针对安徽文化战线上的实际情况,发表一些带有指导性、针对性的意见。现在,先由我把93年我省的戏剧创作概况及94年我们剧目室的工作设想向大家通报一下: (一) 93年我省的戏剧创作情况总的是:低谷中冲出佳作,萧条里仍见繁荣,成绩还是比较显著的。具体表现在: 1、淮北市张步禹创作的《袁凯装疯》,经河北梆剧团演出后,在文化部举办的“全国地方戏曲(北方片)交流演出中获六项奖,受到广泛好评,《新民晚报》载文称“袁剧”轰动太原,中国文化报于近
Comrades: In order to fully implement the spirit of the national propaganda and ideological work conference, our province held a working conference on propaganda and ideology throughout the province and a meeting of cultural directors of the province in early March. This meeting is a grand event from the province to the county in thirty-seven years. Its large scale, large population, high grade and abundant content are rare in our province over the years. It gives propaganda ideas to our province The cultural front ignited a ray of hope so that we could further understand the situation clearly, clearly defined our tasks, strengthened our confidence and boosted our energy. In order to expedite the implementation of the spirit of the conference, we immediately held the meeting under the arrangement of the party and government departments. The main thrust of the conference is to set plans, talk about measures, seek actual results and promote good works, and to conduct a north-south exchange of planning and planning in drama creation. The requirements of this meeting are as follows: I changed the style of meeting in previous years to allow more comrades from 16 cities and cities to talk more, to give more ideas, to take more tact and to broaden my thinking. Then, please call on the leaders of Vice Minister Du, Vice Minister Shen, Minister Chen and Deputy Director Wang to give some guidance and pertinent opinions on the actual situation in Anhui’s cultural front. Now let me brief you on the general situation of theater creation in our province in 1993 and the concept of work in our repertory room in 1994. (1) The general situation of drama writing in our province in 1993 is: Still see the prosperity, the result is still quite significant. The performance is as follows: 1. “Yuan Kai mounted mad” by Zhang Buyu in Huaibei won six prizes after being performed by the Hebei Opera Troupe and was held in the exchange performance of “National Chinese Local Opera (Northern Film)” by the Ministry of Culture. It received wide acclaim, “Xinmin Evening News” contained an article that “Yuan Opera” sensation Taiyuan, Chinese culture in the near future