Development of Chinese hybrid radiation adult phantoms and their application to external dosimetry

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qtedu
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This paper presents the construction of Chinese hybrid radiation adult phantoms,which are compatible with anatomical parameters for the Chinese reference population.The phantoms were designed using polygonal mesh surface,which makes the phantom more flexible and realistic than previous generations.Voxelization of hybrid phantoms was performed to adopt Monte Carlo methods.External dose coefficients were calculated by Geant4 and compared to the ICRP reference phantom.The results show that the organ dose is different from ICRP116 with the low energy photons,which can be ascribed to the anatomy and topology difference of each organ.The effective dose of CHRAP is 19%higher than ICRP 116 in the energy range from10 to 100 keV and is almost the same in the energy range from 100 keV to 10 MeV.These phantoms can be used as the basic phantom to adjust the posture or organ volume to estimate dosimetry in medical and space explorations. This paper presents the construction of Chinese hybrid radiation adult phantoms, which are compatible with anatomical parameters for the Chinese reference population. The phantoms were designed using polygonal mesh surfaces, which makes the phantom more flexible and contribute than previous generations. Voxelization of hybrid phantoms was Exerted to adopt Monte Carlo methods. External dose factors were calculated by Geant4 and compared to the ICRP reference phantom. The results show that the organ dose is different from ICRP116 with the low energy photons, which can be ascribed to the anatomy and topology difference of each organ. The effective dose of CHRAP is 19% higher than ICRP 116 in the energy range from10 to 100 keV and is almost the same in the energy range from 100 keV to 10 MeV. These phantoms can be used the the basic phantom to adjust the posture or organ volume to estimate dosimetry in medical and space explorations.
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