More reports on hepatoblastoma have been reported, according to incomplete statistics of more than 300 cases. There are currently 33 cases reported in China, including 21 cases of clinical and pathological data. This article reports 4 cases, combined with the domestic case information for discussion. Case 1: Female, 5 months, found the right upper quadrant mass 4 months, recent fever, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, weight loss gradually. Abdominal bulge, right upper quadrant palpable tumor about the first large, clear perimeter, moderate hardness, nodular, no tenderness, the scope of activities is very small. Liver 4 cm under the costal margin. Barium meal examination, the tumor has nothing to do with the intestine. Abdominal plain film: see the majority of calcified shadow in the shadow. Hemoglobin 60%, red blood cells 3.26 million, white blood cells 9000. Liver function: brain phospholipid floc test ++, alanine aminotransferase 210 units, since the white 3.3 g%, ball white 1.1 g%. Surgical findings: The tumor is located in the left lobe of the liver, 10 cm in diameter, for liver resection submission.