“数码图像2001,东京(Digital Image 2001Tokyo)——中、日、韩CG艺术作品联展”邀请中国和韩国的CG艺术家各20名左右、日本100名左右参展。这原是日本CG界的年展,从今年开始邀请中国和韩国的CG艺术家参与。中国CG界的著名艺术家、中央美术学院张骏教授负责领导组织中方的参展和赴日学术交流工作。4月27日我作为被邀请艺术家开始了为期5天的东京之旅。这是我国CG艺术家首次组团参加国际展览。此次展览为我们打开了一个了解国际CG艺术发展现状与趋势的窗口,对CG艺术在中国的推广有一定的启发。
“Digital Image 2001 Tokyo - CG, CG, China, Japan and Korea” Invites 20 CG artists from China and South Korea and about 100 from Japan. This was originally the annual exhibition of Japan’s CG community, starting from this year to invite CG artists from China and South Korea to participate. Professor Zhang Jun, a famous Chinese artist in the CG field and a professor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, is responsible for leading the organization of the exhibition in China and the academic exchange to Japan. April 27 I started a five-day trip to Tokyo as an invited artist. This is the first CG artist in our country to participate in international exhibitions. The exhibition opened a window for us to understand the status quo and trend of the international CG art development, and has certain inspiration for the promotion of CG art in China.