病例:陈某,女性,60岁,职员。1972年10月5日来我院就诊。主诉:发病前半小时中餐进食鱼虾,约40分钟后突感上腹部呈现阵发性剧痛,伴恶呕吐,晕倒2次,腹泻2次,呈水样稀便。接诊医生查体:体温37℃,测血压110/80mmHg,上腹部轻度触痛。拟诊“急性胃肠炎”。收住观察室输液1500ml,内加卡那霉素1g。待输液结束,仍感上腹部剧痛,伴呕吐。再次测血压降至90/60mmHg,听诊心音低钝,闻及早搏。病情急剧恶化,经门诊抢救无效死亡。 讨论:急性下壁心肌梗塞伴室早病例比较罕见。再
Case: Chen, female, 60 years old, staff. October 5, 1972 came to our hospital. Chief Complaint: Half an hour before the onset of eating Chinese food fish and shrimp, about 40 minutes after the sudden onset of paroxysmal upper abdomen severe pain, accompanied by vomiting, fainting 2 times, 2 times diarrhea, was watery loose stools. Admissions doctor examination: body temperature 37 ℃, blood pressure 110 / 80mmHg, mild tenderness in the abdomen. To be diagnosed with “acute gastroenteritis.” Receive observation room infusion 1500ml, add kanamycin 1g. Until the end of infusion, still feel the abdominal pain, with vomiting. Once again measured blood pressure dropped to 90 / 60mmHg, auscultation low heart sound, smell and premature beat. The condition deteriorated sharply, died after outpatient rescue invalid. Discussion: Acute inferior myocardial infarction with cases of rare early cases. again